News Release - Reading and Writing Assessment Blueprint AP to Meet September 23.Reading/Writing Advisory Panel Round 2 Agenda (September 23, 2019).

Reading/Writing Review Committee (RC) Minutes (July 25, 2019).Take photos and easily convert them into amazing 3-D puzzles. News Release - Reading and Writing Assessment Blueprint RC to Meet July 25 Wait till you see this in action 3-D Camera and Editor Feature.Reading/Writing Review Committee (RC) Round 1 Agenda (July 25, 2019).Reading/Writing Advisory Panel (AP) Minutes (July 8, 2019).
Reading/Writing Public Comment Survey Results - Reading/Writing (May-June 2019) This document is the third annual update to DoDEAs Blueprint for Continuous Improvement.News Release - Reading and Writing Assessment Blueprint AP to Meet July 8.Reading/Writing Advisory Panel Round 1 Agenda (July 8, 2019).The KDE is releasing the blueprints listed below as a resource for curricular and instructional decisions for schools. Science assessment blueprints were aligned in 2023, following revision of science standards. Throughout the months of July 2019 to August 2020, KDE aligned assessment blueprints to the newly adopted standards in reading/writing, mathematics, and social studies. The newly adopted standards will be implemented in Kentucky classrooms beginning in the 2023-2024 school year and can be accessed on. The process included revisions by Kentucky educators and community members, public input and review by the Kentucky Board of Education before undergoing final legislative review and adoption. The revised Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Science have been adopted into law. KRS 158.6453 calls for the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) to implement a process for reviewing all academic standards and aligned assessments with one or two content areas to be reviewed each year, and every six years after that on a rotating basis.